Waipārūrū Hall
$136 Million
University of Auckland
August 2017- July 2020
The Waipārūrū Hall development was the construction of 786 student accommodation and facilities. The project was constructed on a previously undeveloped site at 35 Whitaker place on the fringe of the Auckland CBD.
Access to the new development is via a narrow cul de sac on Whittaker place, which also services a number of existing student accommodation buildings/apartments.
The project was a full design and build package with novated consultants. Dominion was involved in ECI, from the start of the project. The two standout towers are twelve and fourteen levels respectively and linked/connected via a two-level podium with a split basement beneath.
The enabling and retaining works package was challenging due to the lack of access, narrow footprint and steepness of the site. Ground conditions and previous site contamination, large services easement in the middle of the site meant that extra care and preparation was required to protect the site. A 10m high retaining wall was constructed to reinforce the stability of the building on this steep site neighbouring the motorway.
This is now the largest fully catered student accomodation hall in New Zealand, which also boasts generous communal facilities including study areas and recreational areas for games and relaxation.
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Time lapse video supplied by Timescapes.